You can be ANYBODY you want to be but you cannot be who you once were….
You cannot go back to where, what or who you once were.
You cannot go back to your past no matter how much you romanticize it…whether it’s your youth, people, places, things, relationships etc.
EVERYTHING good, bad or ugly happens for a reason.
EVERYONE you meet serves a purpose in our lives.
EVERYONE that crosses your path is a teacher.
And there’s ALWAYS Karma…good or bad…to keep us accountable and balance the scales.
Some things cannot be unseen.
Some things cannot be undone.
Somethings are lessons that should not be forgotten.
Every situation or experience we go through…everyday…imprints on us…changes us.
Even if you do manage to successfully revisit your past…things will not be the same…because YOU are not the same.
Each of us are responsible for learning our own lessons…we are responsible for our own brokenness and we ALL have broken pieces.
YOU are your own super glue.
“People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person”.
ALL serve a purpose…that is how we choose who to keep in our lives and who we let go.
Love and Gratitude to EVERYTHING and EVERYONE who imprinted on me…they made me who I am today.