June 1st is World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day.
For me, this day is particularly poignant and significant.
WNAAD was established in 2016…the same year that I found out that I was involved in such an experience.
I started writing in support forums in 2017…when I was spinning in the tornado…right from the center of Hell…now I share my story and my insight from outside of Hell.
My clarity of the experience through research…and learning and acknowledging my own part in this dynamic is my own closure.
Courage to ALL those who have endured such a person.
If I can manage to save myself so can YOU.
Hat full of tricks….
Theirs versus Yours….
Emotionally abusive people have a hat full of abuse tactics in their arsenal like love bombing, devaluing, discarding, gaslighting, deflection, projection, demeaning, lying, cheating, triangulation, word chutney etc to manipulate and confuse the shit out of you…until you are emotionally spinning out of control.
THAT’S their mission…it makes it much easier for them to continue to abuse someone who is already in the spin cycle of Narcissistic Hell.
They are lazy…the least possible effort to achieve their end goal is their main objective.
They find it easier to manipulate people to get a desired result rather than to put in effort for a successful experience.
By the time you are done with them you too will have a hat full of tactics to add to your repertoire and arsenal…but yours will be useful knowledge that you need to draw from to protect yourself from people just like that.
You will have self-love…awareness…boundaries…you will learn to listen to your intuition…you will learn to use your discernment to identify these con artists.
This is the not the first time nor the last time you will get to experience a difficult situation.
The objective now is to be able to implement all you have learned into your daily life.
You can’t learn to change a flat tire theoretically but never actually change a flat tire in practical life to know that you can actually change a flat tire.
Now YOU have your own hat full of good useful tricks.
You are now well equipped to handle life with more courage and wisdom and you are more well prepared to speak up for yourself when necessary and to protect yourself from these types of criminalistic characters.
These dark energies enter into your life because of your light…like moths to a flame.
It’s a learning experience for you to recognize such people and know that you are not the same as them.
This interaction is for your benefit…for your growth…use it as such.
When you understand what kind of entity you experienced and why…it will mean something very different to you.
It doesn’t negate or diminish the experience or the trauma caused…but it will give you a different perspective for your healing.
It is very difficult to deviate from your own life-long patterns that got you in these types of situations to begin with…that too takes effort.
It also takes a lot of effort to implement those hard earned lessons into your life going forward.
Learn well…use it well…it was a rough ride…a tough journey.
ALL this happened FOR you not TO you.
Knowing THAT makes ALL the difference!