Someone else’s mother, father, brother, sister, child, wife, husband, lover, employee, pet, plant, in-law, out-law, friend, enemy, frenemy…
THAT is not who YOU are…
THAT is just a title or a label…until proven otherwise.
At this point I am almost none of those things…some proven…and some otherwise.
So does this make me NOTHING?
***Asking for a deeper connection than a label does not make you less…or nothing***
On the surface…
I am someone’s else’s daughter…
I am someone else’s friend…
I am someone else’s employee…
I am someone else’s lover…
I was someone else’s wife…X2.
I am…I was…I am…I was…
Our labels and their significance changes over our lifetime…
I realized…I have lived a singular life even as a couple…
I imagined I was someone else’s lover even when I wasn’t…
I thought I was someone else’s friend even when it was just something I had only imagined…
So was I really those things or not?
Was this just what they had labeled me as or was I really THAT!
Did someone else just label me as that and then just didn’t treat me as such…
***Or did I just label myself***
So what is really true…
Maybe it was just me all along assigning myself a label…chasing an imagined feeling that I just couldn’t reach……yet!(the eternally pessimistic optimist )
Who the fuck knows…
But THIS I know for sure…
These are just a rotation of different people in my life…
They are interchangeable and dispensable…they come and they go…
But…I am who I am…ALWAYS!
And THAT is a good place to be…ALWAYS…
Until proven otherwise.
I think this is true for most of us…