People seem to think that those who write blogs and share material on fb or other platforms think of themselves as not having personal issues or are better than others…
That is absolutely NOT true!
I can only speak for myself….
EVERYTHING that I write about I have experienced or am still dealing and healing from.
I am able to put into words what I am feeling or what I have experienced.
That is the ONLY difference between you and me.
That does not mean I am in some fantastic mysterious place of absolution.
I go through the same daily battles as everyone else.
But now I can do so with some awareness…
I still come across arseholes…but now I can recognize arseholes…
A special thanks to ALL the arseholes who have touched my life…and given me writing material through food for thought…and helped me recognize arseholes.
I started writing 7 years ago on emotional abuse support forums because it helped me focus my energy into something creative.
I had to learn to transmute my pain into fuel…it was a survival technique for me.
My blog is just a byproduct of that.
I started writing my blog 3 years ago this August.
I was very reluctant at first because it puts me in a very vulnerable position…my whole life being ALL out there.
I had a few cheerleading me to do it…you know who you are.
I made that choice…fully aware.
When you speak your own truth…no one can slander you with lies.
I am very glad I did jump off that cliff without a parachute.
From the response I get from my blog I know I’ve helped validate many people who have experienced what I have experienced.
Healing is a life long process…
I share what I have personally experienced and learned…
It need not be YOUR journey…
It’s MINE!!!
I am very proud of myself and what I managed to accomplish for myself in the last 8 years…by MYSELF.
I know it was MY effort…but I couldn’t have accomplished any of this without a lot of help from Above ⏫️
I appreciate all my die hard supporters who are selfless enough to support my journey.
I don’t expect EVERYONE to resonate or be supportive…but if you find yourself being a hater or triggered a little too much…its because you see yourself in my content…whether you are able to admit it or not.
Just a suggestion…If you can admit it to yourself…you can heal it.
If you ignore or avoid it…you are going to repeat a painful cycle.
I may have a 100 problems…being abused by another person is NOT going to be one of them.
Happy 3rd year Anniversary to my Blog and an immensely transformational period of my life.
We’ve come a long way Baby ✌️🥰🥂