We do what we think works…
We learn to be manipulative as children…
It’s part of growing up…
We are learning to use our ‘tools’…
We will repeat what we ‘think’ works again and again…
But even as a kid there is a difference in the kind of manipulation…and says a lot about the kind of person you are dealing with.
For example…
We have one kid who always gets into trouble…I make him sit next to me.
In a few minutes he starts to tell me…I calm myself down by deep breathing…holding his chest…so I’m calm now…and I will sit here because I know you will give me a second chance😁🥰
See-through manipulation but sweet and childlike.
We have another kid who also gets in trouble constantly…when I make him sit next to me…I punish myself 😁😃
He pouts…arms crossed…I hate Jeremy…he’s not my friend anymore…he made me do it and now I’m in time out…I hate this daycare…I will never come back…I can’t wait to leave and never come back…I only did what Jeremy made me do…etc etc
EVERYTHING…but accountability!
I agree with everything he says…
I say…I know…that’s so sad you hate this daycare and your friend…
He becomes more and more hateful.
We repeat what we think works as a kid and ultimately as adults.
One is childlike and not harmful…the other is malicious and intended to deflect blame onto someone else for your own behaviors.
We start young…
Lots to learn from kids😉✌️

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