Most emotional abusers will NEVER apologize…because they don’t really care about what they did to you, how they made you feel or how it affects your soul.
Some will but ONLY when they are cornered…or it benefits them.
Is this a one time event or is this behavior a pattern…
Is THIS who this person is.
You get to decide…
The ones who refuse to apologize are not willing to take accountability for their actions…that too is a pattern.
A very toxic harmful pattern.
They feel entitled to do as they please…with no repercussions…because no one holds them accountable.
When you apologize for something you are admitting to fault and claiming responsibility for your behaviors…
You won’t get that from an emotional abuser.
They do that intentionally because when there are no apologies there’s ‘unfinished’ business…they think it leaves the door open for them to come back around…to finish the job.
It is also emotionally abusive to hold people hostage with your toxic behaviors.
YOU forgiving people and overlooking bullshit repetitively…is also a pattern…that’s what emotional abusers look for to abuse.
So check yourself…over-apologizing for something you did not do or worse still…apologizing for something THEY did…or repetitive forgiveness is a learned pattern from your upbringing…it is a trauma response…you will only draw in manipulators…people who will violate that quality.
People who fuck you over repetitively don’t deserve your forgiveness.
Learn to apologize and forgive the right people…people who deserve it.
Learn to shut that door on emotional abusers!
It doesn’t mean ANYTHING if you are forgiving people repetitively for things THEY do repetitively…because…YES you are right…that too is a pattern…a very toxic pattern on your part.
Unnecessary and misplaced guilt is also a learned pattern…
Between your forgiving spirit and your misplaced guilt…an emotional abuser will ride you like a race horse.
Learn to forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know…
THAT’S more important.
Before we lie, deceive or betray another…we have to first betray ourselves and ⏫️ The Higher Power.
Finding it hard to forgive the unforgivable…don’t be so hard on yourself…it may not be your turn.
Sometimes the ball is not even in your court when it comes to forgiveness…
Forgiveness is not just a word…it is a process…and it comes naturally.
Sometimes somethings are just above your pay grade…
Wait your turn.

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