When I was in Mexico a few weeks ago a 22 year old resort employee asked if she could join me for lunch.
The employees at these resorts like to practice English with the foreigners.
She had a good command over English so we had a very interesting conversation.
She shared her short life story with me and I shared some of mine…the cliff notes version…her lunch break was only one hour
I shared with her a little about the way I have chosen to travel.
She said to me…’Valiente…I want to be just like you’.
That was pretty sweet to hear from one so young.
But her story was so much more impressive to me.
She had moved 12 hours away from her home and her family and friends to find employment…and in 2 months she is moving to Vancouver…on her own!
When we share our life stories to others they only get to see a glimpse of the outcome…not the nitty gritty in-between blood sweat and tears.
When I tell people I have lived in 3 continents they are always so impressed…
They have no idea that the reasons for this very nomadic life style were not always good.
Some of the reasons were perhaps retirements, wars, divorce etc.
The same goes for a lot of us from the old country.
We have had to abandon ENTIRE lives as we moved on to better our lives…multiple times…starting with our parents and maybe our grandparents.
Other people’s stories always seem so much more impressive than our own…because we are in it…living it.
Looking back on my own life, now I too just focus on the big picture…the birds eye view…the WHOLE Enchilada.
And it IS pretty impressive.
Valiente…A 22 year old girl had to remind me.