By definition…Personal experiences that a person needs to deal with or work on that have not been dealt with or completed.
Emotional tasks that have been avoided because of feared emotional or interpersonal repercussions.
People who have been hurt find it very difficult to commit.
For good reason. Once bitten twice shy.
Unless they work on their pain and trauma and get rid of their emotional garbage…without dropping it on to someone else’s lap…it’s going to reappear…its not going to disappear just because you want it to.
That’s called unfinished business.
It’s takes a lot of effort and courage to heal that garbage.
A hurt heart is a closed heart…plus the past reappears over and over till it’s resolved…that is the cruel reality.
Going from one person to another hoping they will heal your broken heart is painful for everyone involved.
It is also irresponsible to make it someone else’s problem.
Just as you cannot heal a broken bone with a bandaid…you can not heal a broken heart by making it some one else’s responsibility…it’s a bandaid…the wound will resurface in both cases.
At our age we all have been hurt…our hearts broken.
Opening our hearts making ourselves vulnerable for more pain is a daunting task.
Learn to use your wisdom and your discernment…know the difference.
Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight.
Discernment is the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure and not obvious.
Discernment is your intuition and wisdom is your knowledge.
Learn to listen to your intuition…it is NEVER wrong.
You may interpret it wrong…but it is NEVER wrong.
You may love someone through their healing process…but your presence is not going to help eliminate someone else’s emotional garbage that is still ‘active’ in their mind and lives.
You will just destroy your own peace of mind in that process.
‘Active exes’ are unfinished business…they don’t just disappear from people’s heart, mind and lives without effort.
They have to do this by themselves for themselves.
It will show up and erupt like a volcano EVERYTIME.
‘Live’ Unfinished business…it is a ticking time bomb that you need to defuse before it blows up your next experience.