Narcissistic people will create a cruel scenario whereby they ‘make’ you leave them because they have found someone else to get supply from…temporarily.
Do you realize how fucked up that is…
Unknowingly…this happened to me 9 times in 2.5 years till I caught on to it.
A Narcissist will ‘make’ you intentionally leave them so that they can CHEAT on you…and then tell you ‘we were on a break’.
That’s why they keep ALL their exes around to use them on an as needed basis.
They will keep you around as long as you allow them to….
You will discover you are on a merry-go-round with other unaware exes and other random candidates they pick up along the way.
THAT creates a sense of competition…it’s a BIG stroke to their fragile broken Ego…it’s their life line…it’s how they survive.
If you have ANY inclination that you are dealing with a Narcissist…don’t allow them to come back around…because they will.
They are mentally disordered…and will use you till they destroy you.
Your thought process is not the same as theirs.
Don’t be under the misguided misconception that they are coming back around because they miss you or have suddenly seen the light.
They DO NOT think that they have caused you pain by their behaviors…all they think is they got away with cheating on you one more time…until the next time.
They are coming back because you tolerated their bullshit once again and are coming back for one more round of torture…to YOU.
They will repeat exactly what they did before again and again as many times as you allow them to.
Once you call them out on their bullshit…they will leave…cause YOU ain’t playing their game anymore.
They don’t care about YOU or what they put you through or how YOU feel…And they will vehemently deny ALL of it!
They are only concerned about their own ‘pleasure’.
Triangulation is the worst form of manipulation because it pulls at your very heart strings…
Triangulation…by definition…
Triangulation is considered a form of emotional abuse that can occur in any relationship. Your narcissistic partner may pull in a third person into your toxic relationship to create conflicts between the two of you so they can manipulate and take advantage of you.
When someone is actively manipulating others with triangulation techniques, they’re doing so with a purpose.
DO NOT allow such a person to reenter your life with some more bullshit…bullshit that you have already experienced.
They are the type of person that need to be diagnosed and put away in a straight jacket so they don’t cause harm to other people.
I would hardly believe that such people even existed had I not experienced it myself.
I can talk about it now as a past experience…but a very relevant experience on my soul’s journey… because I have gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom from it.
THAT is an experience that can NEVER be repeated…because it’s cruel, soul crushing and because I can now recognize the behaviors.
I hope you recognize this too.
If you allow them to they will continue to abuse your trust.
My criteria for what is important in my life is so much different now.
Sometimes the reward is not only what you walked away from but what you walked away with.

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