Triangulation is a manipulation tactic whereby one person will introduce a third person into the dynamic…usually an ex or any third party to create a sense of competition to vie for their attention and affection.
Sometimes there are multiple players and you may not know they exist.
Sometimes you may not even be the actual target in focus…but you were just introduced into the dynamic to create a mental chaos to an ex they are trying to get attention from…usually an ex who has dumped them.
They actively provoke jealousy to get attention and affection.
It’s a pretty low cruel tactic of a pretty low vibing person.
This tactic is used by emotionally manipulative people to create the illusion of ‘desire’ around them.
It is a manipulation tactic used by a very insecure person…specially when they think they are losing the ‘game’.
It is a very effective tactic because it plays on the emotions of the parties that are triangulated.
Unless you are already aware of this cruel manoeuvre…then it is just another red flag of a toxic person that you can eliminate from your life.
Do you really want to be associated with a person who tries to provoke jealousy to manipulate your emotions for attention?
They are not really choosing YOU…they are choosing the person who will be the most provoked…because they will get the most attention and effort out of THAT person to ‘choose’ them.
Triangulation…it’s a cruel yet effective tool used by emotionally manipulative people to keep ‘competitors’ off balance…and under their control.