Leaving scars on your Soul…
I often wonder if people have experienced childhood as
I have and perhaps adulthood as well.
Maybe you have…maybe you are not aware…or maybe you haven’t.
I do not know…
I write about my own experiences…perhaps to help someone.
I write truth about truthful experiences…painful as it may be.
I was not awake to any of this myself until I was…
Now there’s no unseeing or undoing ANYTHING!
It’s been a struggle to process and make sense…
And painful …
Very painful…
I’m not even sure how I survived all this except with a lot of help⏫️
Most people will think I’m still talking about something from 7 or 8 years ago…that’s not entirely true…it’s even older and longer.
My story is 60 years in the making…
My initial harsh wake-up call at 51 by a Sadistic Psychopath was just the tip of the iceberg…and about time too!
I fought hard to ignore this as well.
Some days I wish for that blissful ignorance before waking up…
Some days I’m glad I didn’t stay asleep…
I do not know…I’m not sure anymore.
I managed to eliminate many toxic cycles of people in my life including the Psychopath.
I found out dealing with familial    narcissism is the hardest…
How do you deal with this!!!
How do you make sense of this or put it to rest…
I can tell you it’s not easy…
I’ve been made to feel crazy…sad…mad…out of control and…also…is this seriously happening again.
A Narcissist will try to destroy relationships by triangulation and provoking ill will.
My narcissistic caregiver has not been having a successful time in destroying my brothers relationship so has ended up destroying everyone’s peace of mind…and wanted me to also participate with her long term plan…
I wasn’t about to…I know what she is trying to do…so it has made her very distraught.
Her triangulation and provoking ill will amongst people is not working anymore.
As per her usual…she was going to try to intimidate me by telling me to ‘fuck off bitch…I’m going to slap you’…
And then she did.
Worst last bitch ditch reaction from me…I slapped her back.
Abuse from a Narcissist NEVER ends…verbal or worse…it’s always revisited to see if they still have your allegiance to their bullshit.
Until you make it end…
And I did…
Me reacting badly was the END.
I won’t allow such a damaging person in my life regardless of who they are.
There’s no gleeful comeback from ‘fuck off bitch’ from someone who has given birth to you…
Is there?
Not my shame nor blame…
I managed to put an end to The Original Sin….
But still…Leaving so many scars on my Soul.

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