A Narcissist is a personality type who will abandon you in the desert without food or water and then organize a search party to pretend to look for you…
“All I ever wanted was for this person to be happy. They were not happy with me…so I decided to bury them in the desert without food or water…and now I will help you look for them…
Oh poor ole me!
I’m so sad…
Look how wonderful I am!”
DON’T be impressed…
THAT search party was conducted to make sure that they completed the task they had set out to do…
They fancy themselves as a ‘rescuer’…because it makes themselves look super decent to the general public…
They cause the catastrophe and then conduct a reconnaissance mission to reconstruct their own participation…
It’s called…managing their fake public persona…
Moral of this story….
DO NOT trust a Narcissist or ANYONE else for that matter and follow them blindly… ANYWHERE along your path.
Toxic people ALWAYS have a agenda…and it’s NEVER for your benefit…
Find out people’s agenda before you follow them around…blindly.
They will show it to you you…themselves…by their past behaviors.
They will try to bury you…ALIVE…and then make themselves the ‘victim’.
Buried alive…clawing your way out to safety…is not where you want to end up.
What’s their Agenda….
Unfortunately for them…
I too had an agenda…
I am a seed…
They buried a seed…

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