A Netflix must see…
For people who wonder how a person can spend decades with an emotional manipulator and not leave…
This is how….
This movie is a typical portrayal of how a person can get trapped in a horrendous situation without it being obviously horrendous.
Even you as the viewer will not recognize something is ‘wrong’ until you realize something is very wrong.
And for those of us who have experienced this kind of person…perhaps multiple times…it was ALL too eerily familiar.
Even the actual gaslighting dialogues are typical of a Narcissist.
The ONLY way these situations last so long is when the recipient of the behaviors is fully cooperative and in compliance…once they start displaying the right reactions to the wrong treatment…the shit hits the fan…it’s OVER!
For me…I ran away from the first one half way across the world…the second was 30 years long…until death do us part…and the third…well you all know how that ended.
It ended when I opened up my eyes to my entire life of my own rotten patterns of being fully cooperative and compliant to these sorts of people.
There have been several more through my lifetime…platonic and familial as well.
Always remember…just because you engaged with these people with authentic emotions that does not mean it will be reciprocated as such.
I now recognize the patterns…some are still around but with very strong boundaries on my part.
By the time you actually realize what you are a part of and what you are accomodating…the psychological, emotional, and physical trauma already exists.
For me it took 52 years to realize that I was stuck in a cycle with Narcissists…different degrees of the same personality type…the last one being a tight thappad across the face to wake me the hell up…
THAT had “The Full Monty” effect.
I highly recommend watching this movie as part of your eye opening experience…and validation that these people really do exist…and how they operate through life.
You might be involved with one or you might be one.
A Narcissist’s vows….
I promise to pretend to love you as long as I can fully use you for my benefit…or until you become non-compliant or until death do us part…
The End.