Some thoughts, feelings and memories are a Haunting Hell…more so if you are the one who created that Hell.
If you are not careful you may get yourself trapped in the same cage you intended to trap someone else.
A guilty conscience is like jail time…it’s a mental prison…and sometimes it is just as bad if not worse than real jail time.
You own mind will hold you in a headlock…that’s called a Spiritual arse whooping.
Lacking a conscience?
Not to worry…your big fat Ego will do the arse whooping job just as well.
The anticipation of consequences leaves you in a place of fear…THAT feeling is hellish.
The Universe sees all and keeps original receipts…you can’t fly under the radar…or get refunds…NO REFUNDS!
What you sow is what you reap.
NO ONE…not me…not you…NO ONE gets to escape that part.
I’m dealing with my share.
I involved myself in Robbie’s Karma and got to carry that burden.
Ironically he came back because he once again needed from me what he couldn’t give me…that in itself is a karmic mindfuck.
My ignorance of what was actually occurring may have been my only saving grace…plus I have a conscience…a very loud conscience.
When you live in denial of your less than stellar deeds…you get your arse handed to you on a platter…and that platter of arse is shared with whoever is around you.
You can’t try to rescue people from their Karma…without repercussions.
Karma IS repercussions!
EVERYONE of us collects Karma…
Associate with a criminal…you will share their karma.
Narcissists, in particular gather a lot of karma because of their many less than stellar deeds and soul ties they create…associate with them and you will get to share in that arse platter.
I’m prepared to carry my own arse…not anyone else’s…anymore!
At the end of the day…
When we look in the mirror…we have to be able to tolerate what kinda arse is looking back at us…and THAT might just be Hell enough.
Your own mind will hold you in a headlock…that’s called a Spiritual arse whooping…
The intention behind our intentions matters!