Narcissists talk a big talk…with no actions to match.
They ‘talk’ about their good qualities…but you will find out that those are expectations they have of YOU…and they are just letting you that this is what they expect from YOU.
Loyalty, fidelity, respect, honesty etc are discussed…but that’s what they expect from YOU.
They have NONE of those qualities.
Just because someone says ‘I’m a good guy’ or ‘Really…I’m trustworthy’ or ‘dating me is like winning the lottery’…does not make them so.
You will find that out the hard way.
An interaction with a Narcissist is quite the opposite of winning the lottery.
They upsell themselves verbally to make themselves look good.
Remember…you never have to tell someone you are worthy to make yourself look worthy.
Time…will show and tell how worthy or unworthy you are.
A trustworthy person will fully show you they can be trusted…not ‘tell’ you they can be trusted.
Narcissists words NEVER match their actions.
Your uneasy gut feeling and your adverse physical reactions will be your strongest guide.
Don’t ignore your intuition.