A Narcissists worst nightmare is the TRUTH…
They count on your silence…
They know you will be too embarrassed or ashamed or fearful to say ANYTHING…
When they leave they try to instill fear in you…with bullying tactics.
In my case he tried to get me fired from my job and tried to file a restraining order against me when I spoke my truth…to shut me up.
Both didn’t work.
He used a married woman to facilitate the break-up…
How low can you go…
Pretty low…a narcissist will stop at NOTHING to achieve a desired result.
She participated in his scheme because of her own fears…because now her 6th marriage was in jeopardy…I wonder why.
His restraining order was initiated as an attempt to salvage his fake ‘reputation’ and his girlfriends marriage.
The Narcissist managed to manipulate his girlfriend and her unconscious husband to show up in court…
Stupid is as stupid does…
Now THAT’S a manipulation worthy of a standing ovation.
He displayed his Narcissistic rage to the wrong person…
The Judge.
The Judge laughed at him and sent us home…I didn’t have to say a word…he buried himself.
Prisons are full of narcissistic people…ALL innocent.
Once again…messing with the wrong person.
Narcissists count on the fact that you will live in fear and not speak your truth…out of fear.
Was I afraid…I sure was.
I was alone…dealing with a predator…who was now trying to take away my stability and trying to destroy me and my life.
How did I get here?
I was in a Jerry Springer trailer trash episode…RIP.
Like a bad Lifetime movie…
How they enter a relationship…is how they exist a relationship…involving a third party.
They have absolutely no qualms as to who they will use to achieve their end…
Married…in a relationship or just plain naive…the more oblivious you are to their games the better they can manipulate you.
This married woman constantly checked the pulse of this ‘situationship’…she forgot she was married…and that she needed to focus on her husband and not her narcissistic ex who was using her for his own agenda.
There were many other active participants in this situationship…all for a purpose…his!
I was thrown into a spin cycle of narcissistic hell for 2.5 years.
The last 6 months were pure hell…by that time I was so dazed and confused…I sat there like a deer caught in the headlights.
He brought out his A game…
He started making sexually demeaning and insulting comments to me…laughed as he offered me up as ‘payment’ to someone who did some work…told me I had aged 10 years in one year…in addition to all the other horrendous underhanded abuse.
OMG…What kind of a demon had I allowed into my life…
The worst kind…
When the Devil cannot infiltrate your presence…they send a Narcissist.
I’m saying all this to say…
If someone is abusing your existence…SPEAK your truth…OUT LOUD.
They are just play ground bullies…if you bark…they run.
There are 1000s of sites that talk about these kind of creatures.
First…remove yourself from the situation…so you can think clearly…and more importantly…safe.
They hand you a lot of their emotional garbage to unravel and process.
Always remember…their abuse ALWAYS escalates…it turns more blatant and more cruel to be effective…don’t wait that long.
Find a therapist who is familiar with Narcissistic personality disorder…
Educate yourself on this personality disorder…
There’s plenty of information out there…they ALL use the same abuse tactics…it’s a text book disorder.
Find people to talk to who have experienced this kind of psychological abuse…otherwise it just sounds like a bunch of nonsense.
Be patient with yourself…healing from this type of emotional abuse is time consuming and very difficult…and confusing.
I consider myself lucky…
I barked…he ran…I managed to finally stay gone after 2.5 years of pure hell.
What you allow is what will continue.
Lambs scream when they are being slaughtered.
They are silenced when dead…
I’m NOT!
Silence of the Lambs…shhhh!

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