Am I the lesson or are they…
Does it matter…
It really doesn’t…
The other participants don’t even matter to me…
It was the repetitiveness of the experience that mattered to me…
The lesson was learned…by me…after being repeated over and over…by me.
What we don’t learn…we will repeat…in this lifetime or the next.
We ALL learn differently at our own pace…
With some people it’s never a problem until they get caught and called out.
People behave in a particular manner ALL their lives and then they shit a brick when they get called out on it.
Ooops…my bad!
I didn’t think I would ever be called out on my bullshit!
We may think we continuously get dealt the short end of the shit stick…
My perspective…
Life is like running relay…people with short sticks try to hand them off to you because they don’t want them…
That’s how you get stuck with the short shit sticks…
Eliminate those short stick handlers or breadcrumbing treatment that we received from others.
YOU have ALWAYS been the longer stick in your own life…recognize and appreciate it.
In some situations you may be someone else’s short stick😁
Don’t think you haven’t handed out your own short shit sticks…because you have.
Don’t gift your longer stick to those who don’t deserve it.
Your stick is HUGE and it’s Da SHIT!
***That’s called NOT looking for validation from other people***
I don’t give a shit stick what or who you think I am..
And I truly don’t give a shit stick of who you think you are…
I don’t even care that you have a stick…shit or otherwise.
But I have an awesome fucktabulous long stick myself and I’m going to use it to the best of my ability.
My awesome stick…my life…my prerogative.
Now make THAT shit stick! 😉😁✌️
PS…Short shit stick also known as chotta kaka dhanda🤭😂✌️😉