** A self-deprecating person knows their own weaknesses and shortcomings and isn’t afraid to point them out, often in a humorous way. When being self-deprecating goes too far, it can become self-loathing and self-sabotaging, which are less amusing forms of putting yourself down **
Self deprecation…it’s an unchecked issue that most people who do it…don’t even realize they are doing it.
Complain much?
Not only are you being unkind to yourself…you are also draining everyone around you.
Complaining is a life long self-deprecating habit. When you constantly complain what you are constantly telling yourself is…’You just can’t do anything right’.
Complaining is attention seeking…trying to get positive attention by introducing negative stimuli.
Attention is Attention!
Being unkind, unloving, complaining and self depreciating to yourself is the equivalent of beating and bruising yourself everyday.
Self deprecation is not an attractive quality on ANYONE
Be kind to yourself…if you are not kind to yourself…nobody else will be kind to you.
YOU are all you got.