Abuse is not something you should heal from and then give the same person a second chance to repeat the same behaviors.
That would be insulting your own intelligence…much like they did.
Abusive people don’t fix what they broke.
They just repeat the same behaviors again if you allow them to…with you or the next person.
You cannot heal from the same mind set that you were abused in.
You have to flip your WHOLE mind set from where you experienced the abuse.
Emotionally abusive people are not in the position to change their mind set.
You as the survivor are able to…and most certainly should.
Taking me on a one way roller coaster ride to Hell is not possible anymore…I have already been on that ride.
But an abuser is not capable of learning and will take you or the next person on that same ride…given the opportunity because that is what they know to do.
Trying to get an emotionally abusive person to see the error of their ways is like painting stripes on a horse and telling it that it’s now a zebra…it’s not possible.
Emotionally abusive people are perceptive but the least self aware…that’s why they keep repeating the same behaviors that don’t really work in relationships.
It would take a great deal of self awareness to get to a place of self renewal…but that’s an oxymoron in itself with abusive people.
A crocodile does not know it’s a crocodile…it just behaviors as a crocodile.
If a person recognizes that something doesn’t work for them they would change it…that is YOU in this dynamic.
That is not the abuser…what they do works for them…they will continue to repeat the same behaviors.
YOU can change…they cannot…because they don’t want to.
But you WANT to and absolutely NEED to and SHOULD change your mind set.
Please don’t EVER wait around for someone to start treating you better…or try to fix someone’s broken Soul…
That’s not YOUR job!
Your ONLY job is to protect your own self!
If someone wants to have a successful partnership with you they won’t risk participating in harmful behaviors to jeopardize your mental wellbeing or the relationship.
Them risking losing you is YOUR reward!