When you remove people from your life or even if they remove themselves from your life and your life becomes more pleasant and peaceful and they take the chaos away with them…that’s a sure sign that those people were not supposed to be in your life.
Pay attention…redundant people are always ‘made’ to disappear from your life…mostly because you wouldn’t /couldn’t do it yourself…
Don’t fight that…
People don’t abandon people they love…
People abandon people they are using for their own benefit…until you benefit them no more…then they will remove themselves.
People will prioritize what they deem as important…
If they don’t prioritize YOU….it’s because they DON’T want to.
YOU are NOT going to suddenly become their priority.
Prioritize yourself…first…ALWAYS.
Never underestimate the power of free will…
We ALL have one…
We ALL are given the free will to choose…
EVERYONE is not supposed to stay around forever…
A chosen few will…stay.
If you are at a stage in life where people are dropping from your life…you have been given a clean slate…
Square one…
Lucky you!
Choose well this time around…
Quality over quantity.