We tend to bind ourselves to patterns…not necessarily to people…but to patterns with people.
We engage with people in patterns…whatever pattern the mind deems as comfortable…or we ‘think’ works the best…and if it doesn’t work with one person we will try the same technique on the next one.
We change the person…not the pattern.
The more toxic or dysfunctional the pattern the more often it’s repeated…on different people…without learning the lesson.
Much like insanity…repeating the same pattern over and over again expecting a different result.
We all get stuck in patterns…after all practice makes perfect…or so we think.
When you go through something that brings you suffering and you don’t learn the lesson you will keep repeating the cycles over and over again…till you ‘get it’.
Just like repeating a grade…same concept.
Breaking a pattern is like changing your DNA…you are starting from ground zero…a very hard process.
Both…necessary and possible.