We all go through karmic lessons in our life trying to fix the hurt and trauma we have experienced in this lifetime or the past.
These are presented in relationships through repetitious patterns and scenarios.
These relationships aren’t meant to last but they are learning experiences for those who do go through them.
Their main objective in our lives is for us to:
*Learn about ourselves
*Learn the lesson
*Help us evolve as humans
*Learn the art of letting go.
The longer you take to learn the lessons the harder it gets…the worse it gets the next time around…the longer it takes…and so on and on.
Just like repeating a grade.
These karmic participants will appear in our lives over and over in the form of different people to help us grow…to help us evolve on our journey as a human.
You don’t have to look for them…they will find you.
These are opportunities to learn something about yourself that you never knew before, as well as the most significant life lessons in love.
We struggle to make these partnerships work with minimal awareness…but that is not their purpose…they are our catalyst for change…much needed change…by finding the maximum awareness.
THAT struggle is how we heal ourselves to grow into a better version of ourselves.
THAT struggle is REAL, tumultuous, painful, uncomfortable and very messy…but necessary for our souls growth.
Too kind…to naive…too trusting…too giving…too forgiving…just too much of ANYTHING or EVERYTHING?
They will show us exactly what we need to change by exploiting our ‘too-ness’.
It’s our job to learn to extend our ‘too-ness’ to the right people.
Our ‘too-ness’ was never the problem…over extending ourselves to the wrong people was.
The right people will appreciate our ‘too-ness’ not exploit us.
We might also trigger soul growth lessons in others in our lives…unknowingly.
Do you wonder why you keep attracting the same kind of person over and over?
Lesson NOT learned…that’s why!
Of that I am my own shiny example.
I was an excellent student in school…
However I wandered around day dreaming in the school of life.
I was lucky to come across the most ‘exceptional’ karmic teachers who did the MOST to help me grow.
Now I pay attention in class.
Life is a series of non-stop lessons.
The trick is to pay attention and learn so the same ones don’t keep repeating in our lives.