Over the last decade or so…at least for me…I’ve lived in it…apparently I’ve lived in it my whole life ๐
Now…it’s EVERYWHERE…On fb on YouTube on Google…on every media.
It’s almost turned into a fad…
We calling someone a Narcissist and then they calling us a narcissist…it’s like a kid’s game…you stupid…no you stupid…no you stupid.
Actually both quite stupid…
One for thinking they will live like that forever without ever being called out and the other for staying around long enough to call someone a Narcissist and then continuing to stick around.
Dr. Craig Malkin was my introduction to the disorder.
It was @ 2016…one of his articles on Narcissim fell into my fb time-line.
When I read it…I was completely taken aback…
This was what I was experiencing!!!!
By this time I had experienced about 5 or 6 cycles…not knowing wtf was going on.
I had heard about Narcissism before…but not in this way.
Narcissists are just extremely selfish people…right?…was the extent of my knowledge.
But THIS is a permanent mental disorder??
WTF…how is this possible…
How and why am I with a person with a fucking mental disorder?
And then it got worse for me…
The abuse was becoming blatant, cruel and humiliating with no mental reprieve for me…
I had endured about 9 cycles when I called him out on his bullshit and he literally pushed me and ran away…yelling…I’m going to call the cops…I’m going to call the cops…like a lunatic.
He had done this several times before…
Then looking back at me one last time to see my hurt expression…which is pure pleasure to a Sadistic Psychopath…which is also something he did often…say something really hurtful then pet me like a cat or kiss my hand…staring at my hurt expression.
Sick fuck?
Yes…that’s why its called a mental disorder!
Then I discovered Psychopath Free by Jackson MacKenzie.
I listened to his book on Audible…
Sitting in shock…crying from shock…HIS story was MINE… verbatim…the dialogues, the scenarios…the whole fucking book was MY STORY…
How is this possible…
I felt crazy…
I was in shocked for weeks…then I was furious…
WTF…just happened?
Some mentally deranged person had taken me on a fucking ride…and then pushed me off in mid-air…ALL intentionally for his entertainment.
And then it got worse…for me.
Anyway…my blog has the minutiae of my story that I have shared over the past 3 years which is when my true healing journey started…
I discovered a lot about myself…
This journey is about MYSELF…
This Narcissist along with ALL the other’s in my life just played a secondary role.
Also another rude awakening…he wasn’t the first and won’t be the last one I ever meet…but now I don’t ignore the glaring red flags.
Going back to the title of this post…Narcissists are going out of fashion…not because there’s less of them…but because there’s so much literature out there about them and the survivor stories…surely we are ALL the wiser.
Their red flags are so publicized and well known…it’s hard to not ‘see’ them anymore.
Plus for them it’s harder to hide the fuckery when there’s 1000s and 1000s of detailed blogs, articles, memes, and shiny examples such as these below:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder notable examples include figures like Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Elizabeth I, Kanye West, Mariah Carey, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin…the list is endless.
We are well aware that these kind of people do exist and how they operate.
The second reason of this post is my tribute is to Jackson MacKenzie…the author of Psychopath Free.
I consider him my life saver and am truly ever grateful to him for opening my eyes to this whole fuckshit experience.
I Googled him today to brag about his part in my life for this article and I learned he died last year at age 34๐๐ฅ
Sad ending to a truly amazing soul who has helped so many identify what they have experienced…
Jackson MacKenzie a true Hero for 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of survivors.
RIP ๐ โค๏ธ