My childhood friend Mahrukh Sutaria messaged me a few years ago and reminded me of a time when we were maybe in the 7th grade when she was seated next to me in class on our first day in a new grade. She said she was very nervous and anxious…she told me that I made her laugh and made her feel comfortable.
I don’t remember that day…
She does…
THAT interaction affected HER day.
Some 45 years later…Mahrukh reminded me of that day…her narration of her memory of that day affected my day…in the present…MY day.
She reminded me of who I really am…and that meant a lot to me that particular day and for always.
So grateful to her for sharing that memory with me.
Generosity…full circle.
I have been the recipient and perhaps the deliverer of many full circle situations in my life.
Full circle situations can be positive and also negative.
That is what life is all about…
What goes around comes around…
The good the bad and the ugly…
Full circle situations.
Ironically…the negative experiences hold a more lasting space in our memories than the positive ones…until we are reminded of the positive ones.
So I am always grateful for the reminder of the positive ones and have learned a great deal from the not so positive full circles.
My life….Full circle.