Staying attached to a Narcissist gets you wrapped up in their bad Karma that they themselves created and collected along the way.
If you hang with a criminal you get to share in their criminal Karma…same difference.
They completely overtake your mental energy early on in the situationship by introducing bullshit into your life…lots of it.
If your mind is busy dealing with their nonsense…you are not present for yourself…you are easier to manipulate…THAT’S the goal!
They are called energy parasites for a reason…they thrive off their host.
They might not be directly responsible for the mishaps in your life…but you will notice a lot of unusual and negative stuff happening in your life…that’s the Universes way of trying to make you uncomfortable enough so that you MOOOOOVE!
I lost my job, weight and my mind within the first 2 months…struggled to find a new job for close to a year…my car got hit into twice…my physical and mental health deteriorated immensely…and that was just the tip of the karmic iceberg.
When you don’t move yourself the Universe will do it for you in a harsh manner…
I didn’t move…so I was dragged by my hair and forced out of a situation that was going to get worse the longer I stayed…
I was hand picked and removed from a fate much worse than I could ever imagine.
God’s Good Grace!
I managed to find a job, my physical health and emotional health came back as soon as I stayed away and I managed to find my lost mind too…right where I left it.
ALL this is not just coincidence…it’s signs of you sinking into quicksand headfirst with the narcissist helping with cement blocks.
They target and try to tear down strong heart centered people with their manipulations to drag them down to their lower energy level.
That may work temporarily…but this strategy does not work on EVERYONE.
And THAT just might be their lesson here on this Earth if they choose to learn it.
You can’t fuck around with people’s life and get away with it…ALL the time…one day Karma gonna come a knocking.
I would hardly believe this myself had I not experienced this myself.
YOU as the survivor are not off that karmic hook…YOU stayed put despite knowing something was very wrong…but you didn’t want to see it or acknowledge it.
There’s repercussions for that too.
First hand experience here♀️
You need to take accountability for the part you played…
No victims here…just participants..
Abusers and willing participants.
The Narcissist can only attach to you to complete a toxic circuit…like international plug adaptors.
Change your output and they will have to find someone else to plug into.
That’s YOUR job to identify and heal.
You need to forgive yourself for participating and perhaps THAT was your lesson…
***MOVE when things get uncomfortable***
Things…life will continue to happen for you…the good the bad and the ugly but now you are in full control of YOURSELF so you can make better decisions…like MOVING and leaving a situation when you are guided to…but before you are forced to.