I had built my life on rubber bands and popsicle sticks…that resulted with me engaging with someone emotionally abusive…and stayed way past it’s expiration date.
A narcissist is sent into our life to shake up our wobbly foundation…they are just a catalyst for change…they will huff, puff and bluff till they blow your foundation down.
I needed to stop living in an illusion and in denial and learn to prioritize MYSELF…not others.
The Narcissist showed me exactly what I needed to change…the cruel way…as intended.
They are a representation of what you DON’T want in your life.
These are not gifting relationships these are challenging karmic lesson learning interactions.
You learn by leaving in time before it takes over your life.
That was part of my lesson to learn to differentiate between a gifting relationship and a karmic lesson.
HERE was my illusion staring me in the face.
It ALL came crashing down…that was no mistake.
My life has been Divinely orchestrated…even the crappy parts…mostly the crappy parts…because I was going to ‘settle’ and stay in an uncomfortable breadcrumbing situation that was getting worse the longer I stayed…despite knowing better…like being stuck in quicksand.
I just know there were invisible hands ushering me along the way…keeping my head above water.
They showed me what I needed to see…picked me up and carried me off to safety with me kicking and screaming…that was no coincidence.
They picked me up out from the confusion and put me on solid ground…to deal with the painful truth.
I would have NEVER been able to maneuver myself out from that emotional hell hole of quicksand I was drowning in had I not received that shove.
I was rescued from a fate much worse and placed on my correct path…course correction.
If there was any doubt that there is a higher force guiding us…
I am my own living proof that there is!
I was gifted the art of expression through writing to rescue my own soul…that was no coincidence.
If I can survive this dreadful soul crushing experience with a Narcissist…I can survive and do ANYTHING!
And so can YOU!
There are no mistakes or coincidences…just course corrections…however difficult and painful…they ALWAYS occur for you own good.