Mistakes are merely course corrections….
We are allowed to make mistakes…it’s part of our Soul’s growth.
Lord knows we ALL have…
Over and over and over…right!
I am a professional at mistakes.
But I call them course corrections.
That’s the ONLY way we can learn and course correct.
We have to be able to see things clearly to be able to course correct.
My karmic family…my greatest teachers…
My karmic caregiver…oooof…my most painful teacher…
My karmic partners…oooof!
More pain…
What does a karmic person mean?
It’s a spiritual relationship label used for two people brought together from past lives to resolve unfinished issues or impart important life lessons. Karmic relationships are believed to stem from unresolved issues carried over from past lives, creating a cycle of lessons and personal growth.
People come into our lives as a blessing or a lesson…we’ve all heard this before as a meme.
It’s absolutely true.
Karmics are people who are around to teach you soul lessons.
Most times we make excuses for these people’s behaviors because of the depth of our relationships with them.
Most times they make excuses for their own behaviors…and you tolerate and accomodate…until you can no more.
Most times communication to resolve the issue is not feasible because of their lack of accountability or continued gaslighting…
THAT is your lesson…knowing when and who to let go of.
Most times removing yourself from this situation is the ONLY solution…
THAT is your blessing.
It’s called waking up to your reality…
***This is your reality***
These people are not around to uplift or support you…they are around to destroy you like a wrecking ball to a building…forcing you to rebuild a new foundation.
Most of us who are on this journey will meet someone who will open our eyes to this.
This was my experience…
They will be the worst possible experience you have ever welcomed into your life…willingly.
YOU allowed this…willingly.
Them being who they are showed me who I am…
Bless their heart!﫶
If you don’t wake up with that experience…you are fucked!
I’ve had such good basic training from my caregiver…you have to be pretty rotten to rattle my cage.
That’s when you hopefully realize…WTF just happened…
I experienced that…
I still often wonder…but WHY!
I had so many urges to get myself out from these circumstances at a timely manner and avoid the future agonizing pain but I didn’t pay attention.
That’s your Soul asking you to pay attention because you haven’t been.
Ultimately it took me being dragged through broken glass butt naked for me to wake up.
That’s how persistent this Capricorn is…oooof!
Forgiveness is great…do it if possible.
Sometimes it’s not possible…or necessary.
Sometimes it’s above your pay grade…
That’s when it becomes your God level pay grade…
Forgive if you can…but please don’t ever FORGET these experiences.
THAT’S what keeps you grounded and realistic.
Being realistic will save your arse.
Not EVERYONE around you is for you…
We ALL think we are born into a family so we should accommodate them…regardless.
Partners for life…friends for life…accomodate…accomodate…regardless.
That is absolutely NOT true!
Your decernment is your God given gift…use it!
Just because people are around you your entire lives or a long time or YOU invested your time and energy into them…it doesn’t mean those are your people.
This is not necessarily your reality.
It’s called living in an illusion…
They will eventually show you who they truly are…
I realized I was supporting, nurturing and cherishing relationships that offered me none of those things in return.
THAT is one way to identify karmic relationships…
They are one-sided and unbalanced.
They are teaching you what relationships are NOT!
When you can see and learn what you DON’T want in a relationship you automatically by default will become aware of what you DO want.
It may take a whole lifetime as in my case because I was surrounded by the same personality type…but sometimes you may be lucky enough to get to this place in a timely manner.
Karmics want you to stay in a karmic cycle with them…
I chose not to!
I dismounted that cycle.
If you can overcome this…
You are awesome!
Recognizing and acknowledging your mistakes and being grateful for getting out alive in one piece will get you there.
Give yourself a pat on your back…no one around you is going to do that for you.
The upside to that…there is no one around to drag you down either…Hip Hip Hurray!拾
Hellish soul shattering experience though!
Next time around I’m gonna be my caregivers caregiver 
Or maybe I have already balanced out those scales.
Who knows!
What goes around comes around…in this lifetime or the next!

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