Mirror Mirror on the Wall….
Once you mirror back to the Narcissist their behaviors…
Game OVER!
Once you call them out on their repugnant behaviors…
Game OVER!
Once you call a Narcissist out…
You get called crazy!
(Text book Narcissist)
The good news…
There’s help for being ‘crazy’…
There’s absolutely no help for being a Narcissist!
Calling someone out on their bullshit is not crazy…but it’s bound to happen.
Narcissists live in their insanity FOREVER…with or without YOUR assistance.
Now they are completely offended when you call them out…back peddling with some more bullshit!
Decidedly bound to happen!
Always remember…
***They are NEVER sorry for what they did…they are ONLY sorry because they got called out***
Remember THAT⏫️
Ever heard an abuser admit to abuse…eeeeer screeech bang!
Never bound to happen!
Writing my blog helped me neutralize the shame, humiliation and mortification for even dealing with such an energy by speaking my TRUTH OUT LOUD.
No shame…just truth!
Through my healing journey I learned narcissists are just karmic energies coming around your life to teach you what not to do!
They keep coming back around in different meat suits until you learn the REAL meaning of ‘crazy’.
They take pleasure, pride and find humor in fucking around with other people’s energy…just for their entertainment purposes…because THIS is how they live.
Until still out for their entertainment and enjoyment they fuck around in the wrong one’s energy…brought their garbage to the wrong person’s door…
Statistically THAT’S also bound to happen.
Game OVER!
People around him were aware of his behaviors and encouraged him…Imagine that!
THAT speaks a lot to the quality of people you have surrounded yourself with…
BIG eye opener!
Birds of a feather…
It’s the company you keep…
Guilty by association…
ALL those are a REAL thing!
Abuse is not the time for ambivalence…
Ambivalence is a raw m’fer…
It shows you the truth whether you want to see it or not!
Ambivalence is a good judge of character and shows the kind of people you have surrounded yourself with…whether it’s family or friends…or foe!
Unexpectedly and painfully bound to happen!
Walking around with your eyes wide shut🙈🙉🙊
Little Man Narcissistic syndrome is not easily openly recognized or spoken about by people…because of their remarkable fake public façade…until you have walked with that little man in their Narcissistic syndrome.
BIG learning curve for YOU ME and for ALL of us who resonate with this experience.
Not EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is as they seem!
Learn from this experience…
It’s their ONLY purpose.
You will still continue to experience them…but now you are aware.
You can’t stop their behaviors but you can certainly stop participating with them.
This experience is more common than you think!
I’ve experienced at least 8 of them in my lifetime…unknowingly.
Upto 6.2% of the worlds general population is diagnosed with NPD…of course that does not include the undiagnosed.
Statistically I should win the lottery🤭😉🎰
It’s bound to happen 😅🤞🍀
Mirror Mirror on the Wall who will mirror back to me who I truly am!🐒🙋♀️