I was handed knowledge through very painfully harsh experiences…and was also handed the gift of being able to express myself in words…mostly to help myself…but inadvertently helped others.
These are painful but very valuable soul stretching experiences that teach you a lot about yourself and others…if you are open to it.
I was handed some shit and was also handed a way to flush it down the toilet.
I can express what YOU are feeling because I have felt the same.
When we receive such knowledge we must share with others…at least that is my perspective.
Why waste good lessons…
Just knowing that others have experienced what you have experienced is healing in itself…
We are not alone…
I would never have been put in this position to share my experiences had I not experienced what I did…and because I was capable of handling it.
I was made to Dance with the Devil to get to where I am…
I was forced to learn the choreography…so I know the dance…well.
Not intentionally…but more out of necessity and survival…MINE!
I wouldn’t let go of my Spirit and my Soul…but I had to pay for it one way or the other…we ALL pay in one way or another.
I paid in time…years…because I wouldn’t trade my Soul.
I paid very dearly for my participation in this dynamic…
I paid for it…so it’s MINE to give away…freely.
When people put you through some shit…though painful…we should be grateful to be shown things that could not be seen until now…because once seen…it ain’t gonna happen again…because it cannot be unseen.
This person I interacted with showed me how to identify predators…
THAT is fucking awesome!
THAT is not the type of information you can learn from a book.
He was not the beginning of a particular behavioral pattern of mine to draw such kind of people into my life…but he certainly was The End of it.
My past experiences and general naivete not only left me open to allow an emotional abuser into my life…but he also tried to rattle my stability when I spoke my truth…by bullying tactics.
When someone can pick you up and throw you out of a car…and you go back to that person…it’s time to sit your arse down and re-evaluate your decision making skills.
He is what he is…but me staying around for more…was making his abuse MY problem.
You don’t stay around to be someone else’s trash receptical of their emotional trauma.
It’s like willingly handing the keys to your house to someone who is going to rob you and burn it down…with you still in it.
But that experience made me rich in wisdom…and free from that mental prison I stepped into.
It’s ok to abandon situations that are making you ‘uncomfortable’… or else you end up self-abandoning.
If people want you to think of them and remember them graciously…they would remember to treat you graciously.
People who set you up for failure and then gloat at their participation in that ‘perceived failure’ are setting themselves up for their own dose of failure…
None of us are exempt from repercussions of our actions.
I’ve had my share.
I share with love and gratitude and with hope that we learn through our experiences…the good the bad and the ugly.
Speak your truth even if your voice quivers while doing it.
My story…
My insight…
ALL MINE to share…