Some interesting tidbits of where we are at in life…
Not for EVERYONE…Unless you share my interests😉
Yours may be politics, philandering, phucking, ponies puppies or porn…
I have this😜✌️
Each to his own…God for all.
This is the END of a very long life cycle…Hurray!
This is our Saturn return for a lot of us in our age group.
We ALL have a Saturn return @ 3 times in our lifetime…approximately every 29 to 30 years.
First one @28 or 29 years of age…
Then @ 58 or 59
Then if you are lucky…the next one will be in our 80s.
Just like Earth takes 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes to revolve around the Sun…It takes Saturn 29.4 Earth years years to revolve around the Sun…
Saturn Return marks BIG eventful turning points in our lives.
For me personally…I got divorced at 28…then again at 51…then proceeded to jumped through major hoops of fire for the last 8 years of my life…
I was fast asleep for the first 51 years of my life…then I was thrown into a very tumultuous period of my life…to wake me up from my deep slumber.
My last cycle was pretty rough.
Saturn is the Lord of Karma…it is also the ruling planet of Capricorn…my Sun sign🐐♑️
THAT’S my Daddy😜
Nothing worse than having a Papa who dishes out Karma like candy.
My Big Daddy Saturn had no mercy on me…he has been pretty harsh with me…not without warning though…I just chose to ignore him…like his good little girl.
He has also been very benevolent and fair with me…for that I am grateful.
That’s why he is called the Lord of Karma…he balances out things for us.
I can see from the many posts on Instagram and fb…a lot of people have woken up to their reality.
It’s like an mass exodus of people pushing forward out of the illusion…out from their deep slumber.
We are becoming aware of toxicity and trauma in ourselves and in others.
You can’t go around blaming ‘others’…forever.
We ALL carry around toxicity and trauma from our ancestry, our past experiences and what others have throw onto us.
We carry it around like a new born baby…we hold on to it like it’s a precious little thing…not wanting to lay it down…out of fear.
Because if we lay it down…we have to open our eyes to see what we have been carrying around for most of our lives…
Mostly garbage…swaddled in a cute Onesie.
Most of my life I was surrounded by toxicity compounding my inherited existing trauma…and I fully participated in it…just as they did…unknowingly…or I should say…mindlessly.
We always have ‘choices’…every step of the way…you have the free will to make the wrong choice and fuck up your life…
That phenomenon is called ‘The Sliding Door’ effect…you can go right or you can go wrong.
Now…when they try to hand me their toxicity…I can graciously decline their generosity…
No gracias…I’m neither hungry nor thirsty for your special dish of toxic that you are offering me…ma tummy still full from the last Buffet of Toxicity I consumed🤢🤮
Time to wake the fuck up…
I hope the next run will be better for all of us who are on this journey…fully awakened to our reality.
And to those of us who are still asleep…Buenas noches😴
Hasta Luego✌️