By definition….
What is manipulative behavior?
Manipulative behavior occurs when a person uses controlling and harmful behaviors to avoid responsibility, conceal their true intentions, or cause doubt and confusion.
Manipulation tactics, such as gaslighting, lying, blaming, criticizing, and shaming, can damage a person’s psychological well-being.
Manipulation can be done in an obvious malicious way by using the above techniques…that’s more what we are accustomed to.
Manipulation can also be done in a ‘non malicious’ way…by people pleasing to gain favor of some kind…attention,  love,  praise, money, energy etc etc
Both are emotionally harmful in the long run.
Both are learned techniques…
We repeat what we think works…
The malicious person will erode YOUR mental health slowly and the second one which is your own technique will also erode YOUR own mental health slowly yourself.
Both are toxic defense mechanisms.
Both will affect YOU adversely in the long run.
So…guess who’s getting f**ked in both cases…yup…

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