I was listening to 3 four year olds talking to each other…something nonsensical…about grandma and a basket ball.
The youngest one then says…make it make sense.
Isn’t that profound…
I know he was just repeating something he has heard at home…
But that was so thought provoking…
Most things we go through in life…doesn’t make sense.
It doesn’t…and you cannot make it make sense because it’s nonsensical.
By definition…denoting a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups.
ALL relationships are symbiotic.
EVERYONE in our lives are with us because it fulfills a need…and vice versa.
ALL the people in our lives benefit us in some way.
Love, physical needs, emotional needs, financial needs etc.
Very rarely will long term relationships last equitably.
People change…hence needs change…some people can adjust their needs and requirements to continue a symbiotic relationship…not many will make the effort.
Some relationships survive…barely…due to external factors…kids, grand children, shared assets…or just plain laziness.
Shared laziness to work on the natural progression of a relationship or shared laziness to put an end to the misery is probably the worse reason to stay in a relationship…and the most common.
Ain’t that a shame…
Just staying together does not mean that you are still symbiotic.
We get rid of people when our needs are not being met… anymore…or if we do not want to put in any more effort.
That’s the sad reality.
Some rotten personality types who think you ‘need’ them…will mistreat you…because they think if they can control your feelings…they have control over YOU!
It’s a fucked up warped way of thinking…mostly by people who are most willing to take what they ‘need’ from you without reciprocation.
We ALL have needs and desires and dreams…
We all know what our needs are.
Those people who deny and dismiss your needs…also have needs and they make sure they take what they can from YOU…
If they can recognize that THEY have needs that need to be met…they sure as shit know that the same applies to YOU…
They know what are needs and desires…they have them!!
But that takes effort and these selfish people you have allowed in your life are lazy and self centered.
They simply DO NOT WANT TO!
Let THAT simmer and make sense in your head…before you spend your life making accommodations for people who don’t and won’t make the same accommodations for YOU!
People give themselves the permission to abuse you…if they think you ‘need’ them.
Doesn’t make sense…
It really doesn’t…
The exchange and fulfillment of needs/wants/desires are all a natural part of maintaining fulfilling relationships.
Swans, beavers, bald eagle, gibbon, wolf, penguin, love birds etc…mate for life…
They stick to their first choice…for life…
They are symbiotic with one mate for life…
Animals and birds can make better life choices than humans.
Make it make sense.