By definition…
The state or quality of being loyal… faithfulness to commitments or obligations.
How many of us hang on to loyalty because of time invested…
We live our entire life in the service of others…we did what we were taught to do.
We did that out of loyalty or habit or patterns…but more often than not to our own detriment.
Comfort…is what keeps us stuck in iffy situations.
Financial comfort…time invested comfort…laziness comfort…apathy comfort…are all reasons we stay in uncomfortable situations beyond it’s expiration date.
We equate comfort to happiness.
It is absolutely NOT!
Ironically the feeling of comfort just keeps us stagnant in an uncomfortable situation.
Staying loyal to uncomfortable situations, people or things is an excuse to not making a decision…or postponing the inevitable for as long as we possibly can.
Loyalty is a very precious commodity…don’t squander it willy-nilly.
Revaluate your sense of loyalty…
Sometimes it may be a false sense of loyalty to situations and people that absolutely don’t deserve our time, energy or loyalty.
We should be loyal to ourselves…first.
We have done ourselves a great disservice by not making ourselves a priority in our own lives.
Always remember…Indecision is a decision…however feeble…it may also be the wrong decision.

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