There are no victims, only volunteers” — meaning that when you tolerate unacceptable behavior, you volunteer for it.
Once you set proper boundaries and learn to identify abusive patterns you can choose to walk away.
Verbal, emotional and psychological abuse leaves no visible scars…it is the worse kind of abuse…just horrendous memories etched in one’s mind.
The first step for me to stop the denial was to admit to myself that someone was abusing and using me…hardest part for me…I did not want that on my résumé.
Once I stopped living in that denial…the realization that the actual person didn’t even matter…if it wasn’t him it would have been another abuser…what next an axe murderer…
THAT realization was both frightening and mind blowing.
I had allowed this…
I was a volunteer in someone else’s abuse cycles.
I had to forgive myself for even allowing such an individual into my life.
The red flags were ample…and very obvious.
Once I was able to do that all my walls came tumbling down…my whole life had to be reevaluated…lesson of a lifetime.