**Liminal” comes from the Latin root word “limen,” which means “threshold.” Liminal spaces are transitional or transformative spaces. They are the waiting areas between one point in time and space and the next***
Liminal space…a point of no return…you can’t ignore or deny what you now know. Where you are is in-between the familiar and the completely unknown.
Death, abuse or any other traumatic life event forces you to this space.
I was hit with a double whammy at the same time…so now I had no choice but to pay attention. My entire belief system was in question…my old beliefs had betrayed me.
I needed to wake up to how I was showing up in my own life.

How did I end up in such an awful situation and stayed despite my extreme discomfort?
This space feels like you are grieving a death.
You ARE…a part of you…the old part is forced to die off for your own benefit.
It is a point of renew and rebirth of EVERYTHING you once knew to be true.
It’s a place where you are given an opportunity to start from square one.
NOTHING will ever be the same again.
The good news…where there is an Ending there is always a new Beginning.
A word of advice….Don’t build a new home and put some old broken shit in it!
**Liminal space concept courtesy of Vitalmindpsychology…
My 2cents courtesy of my experience**

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