Narcissism is a spectrum.
Healthy Narcissism to NPD to Psychopathy.
Narcissism is just a measuring gauge of insecurities.
The higher the insecurities the higher the Narcissistic tendencies to compensate.
Simplistically, Narcissistic people are just ultra insecure people.(Realistically…there is a lot more to the disorder)

Narcissistic people are drawn to the insecurities and vulnerabilities in YOU.
You and me don’t prey on people’s vulnerabilities as a manipulation technique to control situations…Narcissistic people do.
So if you go through life attracting only Narcissistic partners…it may be time to look within and take a long hard look at your own insecurities and vulnerabilities.
We ALL have them and we may ALL ‘act’ Narcissistically at times given certain circumstances, but that does not make us full fledged Narcissists.

The more you are aware and  work on your own vulnerabilities the more you will stop drawing in insecure people.
You draw in people at the same energetic level that you are vibing at…whatever that may be.
(The reason why mean girls, bullies, nerds, jocks etc hang in cliques…they are an energetic match)
For example…if you have just broken up or divorced…energetically you are vibrating at a very low level…low enough to only draw in another low vibing energy.
Energetically…Narcissists are very low vibing creatures.
You are an open wound. Like a shark to blood they are attracted to you. You are bound to draw in a Narcissistically challenged person.

***Rule Numero Uno***
DON’T jump into a relationship when you are hurt and wounded thinking they are going to ‘heal’ your pain…some low vibing  arsehole is just going to make you feel worse to keep you at their energetic level.
Of this I am my own shining example.

When you set the proverbial ‘bar’ energetically THAT low…only people vibing just as low can Limbo underneath it.
i.e.~a Narcissist.

Raise your energy levels…you automatically raise your bar and people with higher energies with try to jump over it…not Limbo underneath it.

The more aware you are of this concept the more you will repel that lower energy.
This is not extra terrestrial type of knowledge…this is plain old Physics.

The law of attraction states that “like attracts like.” This means that people with a low frequency — people who are insecure and self-abandoning — attract each other, while people with a high frequency — people who love and value themselves — also attract each other.

Being aware of THAT fact does not let you off the hook…in fact you are more ON the hook than the Narcissistically challenged person.
YOU have the capacity to heal this within you.

Once aware you can transform yourself.
Narcissistically challenged people cannot…they are incapable of having any type of self awareness.
Their self aware button was broken…for self protection and preservation probably as a child.
Their Fragile Ego stands guarding that broken button.

That is one of the BIG differences that separates YOU from the Narcissistically challenged person.
You can raise yourself energetically…they cannot.
Limbo…. Don’t go THAT low!!!

They should teach Narcissism 101 in Highschool…it would be so much more useful than Calculus.
~Knowledge is Power~

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