It’s a much required phase of life…that’s when you focus on YOURSELF.
When you get to a difficult season of your life and need help…you will realize people that once were around you…scatter.
The reason is two-fold…
One…and most important…these are NOT your peeps…family or friends…same.
You have too many irrelevant redundant people in your life.
You have been given the opportunity to remove the dead weight from your life.
Just because you know someone your whole life or were born into that situation…it doesn’t mean these are your peeps.
Those people who hand you concrete blocks instead of helping you carry the load…are not your peeps.
Your real peeps will still be around…or find new peeps.
Second…you are pushed into this zone…to hear your own thoughts…without the peanut gallery participants in your life.
I found myself in that place several times in the past 8 years.
One of these times was when the Narcissist tried to file a restraining order on me…I had to sit my arse down and think…how did I get to this place where someone was threatening MY life to circumvent all HIS own inappropriate indiscretions…his fake public façade…by dragging me down into his hell hole…to his level.
Why is such a person in my life…
This is the type of stuff nightmares are made of.
I had already started writing on Narcissistic Support Forums by then.
The more I learned about Narcissism and what it entails the more my cognitive dissonance desipated.
But I still had to pull myself out from the ground by the roots.
There is a reason why I met this nasty character and there is a reason why I was forced into isolation.
I had to be vibing at a very low place in my life to grant such a very low vibing creature access into my life.
And I was…vibing…low…I had just divorced Robbie and I jumped head first into a situationship without any time to come up for air…because I was afraid of being alone…THAT was my ONLY reason!
I was afraid of being alone!
THAT is an open wound that attracts predators…like sharks to blood.
Someone who genuinely cares for you will protect your vulnerabilities…not use it as an entrance wound to harm you…like a parasite.
Don’t like being alone…
A narcissist will show you exactly what being alone really means.
I was making fucked up decisions with fucked up people…leading me to this fucked up place in my life.
And it had to stop…
I made it STOP!
Ultimately…I got out in the best case scenario…
He ran away when he realized I found out his cruel game…and called him out on it.
Narcissists are cowards…
Although he did try to call me one more time to check my pulse…is she really dead.
Nah…she ain’t dead.
You ain’t in a position to unalive her.
They are shameless…
Their broken fragile ego is not connected to logic…it’s connected to the brain they are sitting on.
He is blocked for good reason.
When you play stupid games you win stupid prizes.
Narcissists are called bottom feeders for a reason…they look for people who are at a vulnerable stage of their life and feed at their bottom.
They look for people who have just broken up, have an abusive past, or just experienced a death in the family…easy prey.
They come in as a rescuer or a hero…and then drag you through broken glass.
I learned this from his own past stories…which he then repeated with me.
You don’t look for ‘relationships’ when you are at a vulnerable stage of your life…a narcissist will find you…and fuck with your Soul.
Narcissists will use you past trauma and triggers against you…because you shared this with them.
People who have experienced this will resonate.
Be very weary of who you allow into your energy at this time.
Now is the time for you to be selective…
People will come around to share their misery with you…but not include you in their ‘fun times’…fuck off is the correct answer.
Learn to appreciate the silence and the isolation…
It’s a necessary part of your healing journey.
Now being alone…is a peaceful priceless treasure.
Just like the narcissistic relationships in your life…this isolation period is also put in place for a reason…
You need to hear yourself think…perhaps for the first time in your life…
The bonus…you get to clean up the trash from your contact list!