There is no mistaking abuse from a Narcissist as someone just having a bad day.
We ALL have bad days…we don’t seek to destroy someones life just because we are feeling…meh!
There is a difference between making a ‘mistake’ as opposed to cruel intentional manipulative actions to harm another.
We ALL have the free will to make choices every day…we can choose to act with integrity or we can choose to not.
THAT is what determines your character.
Narcissistic people are emotionally juvenile and lack integrity.
They lie and cheat to boost their fragile broken ego…till they get caught…and then they will deny it.
Abusers don’t abuse because something is wrong with YOU.
Abusers abuse because they are abusive…that is who they are…that is what they know…they do what they know.
They will repeat the same pattern with the next person.
So don’t think that you were the cause of making a person ‘abusive’…they brought that shit with them when they entered the relationship with you.
There is absolutely NO excuse for abuse…so don’t overlook or make excuses for their bad behaviors.
Their behavior is not a ‘mistake’…they operate in an intentional manner to harm you.
I would have had no idea such people even existed had I not experienced such a person.
Narcissistically challenged people don’t only appear within intimate relationships…they appear even in platonic interactions and familial relationships.
In Platonic interactions it’s harder to identify them because you don’t expect a ‘friend’ to be abusive.
In a family setting…well you can imagine the complications.
They ALL operate in the same way…they ALL use the same abuse tactics.
They will triangulate other people to create animosity, lie, manipulate, become abusive if you allow it and create chaos within the friendship.
In an intimate interaction it’s more obvious…as long as you pay attention to the obvious red flags…especially if you have experienced such dysfunctional behaviors before…now you are more prepared to spot the BS.
There is no mistaking abuse from a Narcissist as someone just having a bad day.
Their behavior is intentionally harmful.
ALWAYS remember…people who care and love you and have genuine honorable intentions towards you will treat you honorably because they won’t want to risk losing you with reckless behaviors.

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