At the daycare when we try to teach the kids to apologize to one another for some shit they did or said to another kid…we ask the kids…what are you sorry about…say it to the other kid.
It is very important…if you are going to apologize…to state what you are apologizing for.
It means ‘something’ when you specify what you are sorry about.
It comes across as authentic.
We try and teach kids that.
What about adults…
Do we practice that as adults?
I apologize for whatever I did…is a pretty blanket statement…
Are you apologizing for your entire life or a particular event or really you don’t give a shit and you just want the other person to get off your back so you are just saying the words because you think that’s what they want to hear.
That’s a fuck no…negative…nyet.
Just be aware the other person is also aware of what you are doing…
Not one of us here were born yesterday…
Maybe someone was…but hopefully you are not asking a day old baby to apologize 😁
In actuality if you have to ask for an apology…it’s null and void…it loses it’s meaning.
An apology has to come from one’s own self from within…if it is going to sound even remotely authentic.
Even then…it could be a gaslighting technique…only you can be the judge of that.
A genuine apology can fix things…
A disingenuous apology can actually break things…furthermore.
A genuine apology needs you to grow big balls…
So…you are aware what little balls are capable of…