If you want a Narcissist to be FULLY invested in you and your life…
Break up with them!
Strange…NOT for a Narcissist!
Narcissists pay more attention to ALL their exes and their lives…after the funeral and burial⚰️
ALL their exes are now also YOUR exes…like sister wives…but in the afterlife.
During the situationship, you will have the privilege to associate with ALL the exes…
Plus…you also get to share in all the Narcissists miserable Karma as well…Bonus!
The longer they are out and about on this Earth…the more exes YOU will accumulate…
Lucky YOU!
Might be a good way for you to widen your circle of friends
See…if there’s a silver lining to any kind of shit show💩…
I will find it!🤪🤭
My ability to see the humor in situations has been my saving grace…
This was a treacherous experience and I would not wish this on ANYONE…
I was able to muddle through it with a lot of effort and God’s good grace.
I can poke fun at it now in hindsight using my truth mixed with humor…but it was a gut wrenching experience 😕
I am aware I am not alone in this experience…but most will not be aware as they hop from one to another very quickly…painful nonetheless.
There are a long line of unaware ‘victims’ before me and a lot after me…such is the nature of that Narcissistic beast.
I still hope that lessons are learned and hopefully not repeated with another poor soul…but I am also aware that’s wishful thinking.
Nah…fuck that…truthfully as long as it’s not me…who gives a shit😉🤪
Narcissism is a coping mechanism…it’s pretty permanent and my sense of humor is mine…also pretty permanent ✌️