I’m going to be nicer…that will fix it.
Did you ever feel and think this….
You are kind and nice and sweet and loving and you still feel you are not doing enough…
This is the feeling that THEY have made you feel…this is intentional because it is to their benefit.
When you feel you are not doing enough…you will do more.
***Doing more does not get you more***
This is a toxic interaction…this is a toxic mind set.
Toxic emotional manipulators will breadcrumb you with the minimal…and take the most from you.
They take from you without replenishing you…
Withholding love and affection from you but draining your love and affection.
Is this fair…
No it’s not…
It is not fair to YOU!
They are NOT going to do more…they are NOT going to fulfill your emotional needs…but as long as you follow their breadcrumb trail…they will breadcrumb you with the minimal.
If you stop…they will trash you like a piece of burnt toast.
Recognize this behavior in people.
This is not a healthy person…this is not a healthy connection.
They give you what you want…but ONLY if it benefits them….
Overcompensating for someone else’s shortcomings is not a solution.
Both people have negative behavioral patterns…one is a negative action and the other is a negative reaction.
Both are toxic…
Awareness is power…
Recognize this pattern in people…and YOURSELF.
These people will take as long as you are willing to give…once you stop…Game over!
Clarity is not a negative perspective…it is a confirmation for what you needed to know.
THIS is what you needed to know.