When you tell a person of an undesirable behavior or some shit they did, said or didn’t do and they refuse to take accountability…
Who ends up feeling bad…
Yup…not them!
If a person refuses to take accountability for their actions…they will hand it to you by their denial…
That’s how people project their issues onto you.
That’s called playing Hot Potato…
Not only will they not take accountability for their actions they are now offended and appalled at YOUR appropriate and necessary reactions to their undesirable behaviors.
Who’s feeling worse now…
Yup…again…not them!
When they play offense…guess who’s now playing defense…
Yup…again…not them…
YOU are now defending what YOU said to ‘offend’ them.
Guess who’s still not taking accountability and has just thrown the hot potato onto your lap…
Yup…you are right!
THAT was their whole intention…
To take the attention off themselves and throw it onto YOU!
Make some mashed potatoes out of their hot potato and hand it back to them…
Don’t take that on…It ain’t your potato…Their bad behaviors are not yours to carry…