We ALL have expectations…from our family members, kids, friends, colleagues, employers, employees, pets etc.
EVERYONE that we have a relationship with…we have expectations from them…and vice versa.
I expect my dog to not shit on my carpet… because I trained him…those are my expectations.
My dog expects me to feed him…because he trained me…those are his expectations of me.
We have expectations from EVERYONE we have around us.
So why do some people disappoint us?
Are we expecting too much?
Are we putting our expectations on the wrong people?
Both are correct…we are expecting too much from the wrong people.
No one owes us ANYTHING. We have to be able to determine who these people are.
ALL living organisms thrive due to symbiotic relationships.
The non symbiotic ones naturally eliminate themselves.
There are ONLY a handful of people in your life who will reciprocate to YOU in the same way you participate.
If they back out…that’s not YOUR problem…it’s YOUR solution.
The problem is not yours…it’s theirs.
Tugging at relationships is not the solution…it’s the problem.
Learn to discern…many will show up…not everyone who shows up will participate.
Learn to expect only from those who are dependable…and also learn not everyone is dependable.
Some are only on this ride of life expecting from YOU…without reciprocating.
Those are actually more prominent than you think. Look around you…if you have not chosen well…most are only around to take from YOU.
THAT’S the rude, honest truth!!!
Observe, discern, get rid of takers…they are expendable…they will be replaced by 3 more if you allow it.
Expectations…it’s good to have them…they will help you eliminate those who are not dependable.