How many times a day do we give in to something or someone?
How many times did it give us a good outcome…a pleasurable feeling😑😔🤨
The very fact that we used the term ‘giving in’ substanciates the fact that we are doing something we are not completely convinced of doing.
Of course we all HAVE to do obligatory stuff…where we have no choice…like going to work…or paying bills 😜 I’m not talking about that kind of stuff.
I’m talking about people pleasing stuff…not being able to say NO.
We ALL do it…
We agree to doing things we don’t want to do because… whatever…insert excuse right here…but we do it anyway.
Giving in…leads to living a life full of resentment.
Giving in…leads to all kinds of dis-ease…in your mind, body and soul.
Some of us have lived our entire lives in the service of others and not in a good philanthropic way…but in the martyrdom way…most of the time not even realizing that you are operating in such a manner…like robots.
We have accommodated others at the detriment of sacrificing our own selves, our wants, desires…our feelings, our time, our sanity.
Some of us have sacrificed our entire life purpose to support others.
We operate out of guilt/fear/habit/patterns etc….ALL done to avoid losing the friendship/relationship or hurting some one else’s feelings…displeasing others with absolutely no concern for your own feelings or happiness.
Till you realize…most of the time we are twisting ourselves into a pretzel to accommodate people who are well accomplished as saying NO when it’s time to reciprocate time or energy towards you.
Once you become aware of that realization and still continue to do it…you have no one but yourself to blame.
Not judging🙋♀️….I’ve lived in that place the better part of my life…and perhaps so have you.
Until I found a way to conjugate the word ‘NO’.
No can do…
No…I don’t want to…
No…I don’t like that…
No…I don’t need to explain to you why I don’t want to…
Don’t give a shit if you don’t like my NO…
Oh…you don’t remember the 100 times you said no…still NO!
Learn to say NO.
It’s a valuable word to show people your time is just as valuable as theirs and will not be abused, misused or squandered.
Giving in…is a pattern that can very easily be rectified once you become aware that you operate in that way…that will also help you free up time to live your own life…for a change 😉