A Holiday Special….
Love…unconditional or conditional.
By definition….
Unconditional means not subject to any conditions.
The distinction between unconditional love and conditional love…conditional love is “earned” on the basis of conscious or unconscious conditions being met by the other person, whereas in unconditional love, love is “given freely” to the loved one “no matter what”. Loving is primary.
Children and pets love unconditionally.
Your unconditional love should be reserved for children, cute farm animals, pets and for those who are capable of reciprocation.
Not ALL adults you experience are willing to ‘give’ but most are definitely willing to ‘take’ ALL you have to offer.
Incoming love is as important as outgoing love.
What you put into a relationship you should get back.
Adults need boundaries or they will exploit your ‘gift of Unconditional love’.
Unfortunately…that is more common than not.
There SHOULD be a condition…
That condition is that you are loved in return…in the way you need to be loved.
Even the best intentioned person will take advantage of a good thing.
It’s human nature…
Make sure you balance YOUR good intentions with THEIR good intentions.
Always remember…what you give…you are entitled to receive.
THAT should be the prerequisite of any relationship.
Balance of intentions, effort, actions and your sweet love is key to ANY and ALL successful relationships…otherwise you have just dug yourself a bottomless pit of expectations…with nothing left for you to thrive on.
Giving and Receiving is an integral bit of any relationship.
Ask Santa…he only comes down the chimney if you leave him cookies and milk.

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