To do or not to do…
That’s a God job…
Christianity shove forgiveness down our throat.
Is there a real purpose…or is it a blanket requirement.
Do we have to forgive people who have intentionally maliciously caused us harm.
Do we have to forgive repeat offenders.
That’s a God job…
They have done the same with others before you and are doing the same thing to the next person after you.
You save your forgiveness for the innocent…people who do not harm you intentionally…people who have made a mistake.
When you force yourself to forgive people who are intentionally evil…you are just repressing those feelings within you in the name of forgiveness.
You transfer the burden from them onto yourself.
That will cause you more harm than good in the long run.
Those cruel people have gone on to do the same to the next person.
When you are dealing with a child who does something wrong…you have to correct their behavior and let them know what they did wrong…that’s a requirement…they don’t know better.
But a full grown adult?
Do you really think it’s your job to tell a full grown adult right from wrong…
Do you really think it does not occur to them that they are harming you…
So do you really think you should forgive such intentional behavior…
Absolutely not necessary!
If you see someone being unkind to a kid…would you not protect them?
Treat yourself in the same way…
Protect yourself…speak up for yourself…get rid of cruel people from your life…without guilt…you DO NOT have to forgive those who are supposed to know right from wrong.
You are not required to.
That’s a God job…
Instead use that as energy as fuel.
Don’t repress that feeling within yourself to make it fester…pour it into something creative and share.
That’s how you alchemize and transmute other people’s garbage from your life.
It’s not your burden to carry.
Use your experience as fuel to redirect your power.
It’s not your job to teach or forgive a full grown adult who should know better and has intentionally harmed you…
That was his Mama’s job.