By definition….Flying monkeys is a phrase used in popular psychology to describe people who are acting on behalf of another to control a targeted individual.
Usually a person of some power is be able to corral support…by money, charm, popularity, fake empathy, gas lighting…just pure bullshit.
The unaware support are called flying monkeys.
They are blinded by the light…just like you were…in the beginning of the relationship.
They don’t see past the façade…like you now do.
Flying monkeys are the biggest cheerleaders…rah rah rah…but for their own benefit.
The Narcissist only thinks it’s for them.
The Narcissist uses flying monkeys to undermine their target.
Usually…not always…the flying monkeys are unaware of what the Narcissist is trying to accomplish.
Most of them are aware and are supportive of a Narcissist… but for their own personal benefit.
Emotionally manipulative people do not manipulate EVERYONE…they are really WONDERFUL to the general public.
That’s not how emotional abuse works…
They are ‘overly’ wonderful to the general public…to save and rescue their fake public façade.
That’s how they corral support…
Flying monkeys get caught up in a narcissist’s plan…often to damage the life of another person.
And they’re often involved in pleading the case of the Narcissist. Narcissists love having at least one flying monkey, as it makes them feel important and means they can appear to be above the people who are caught up in the messy parts of the drama.
Flying monkeys often have strong narcissistic traits themselves, including a desire for attention, a lack of empathy, and a desire to bully and manipulate others.
They will support ANYONE to reap the rewards…usually public recognition and flare
The Narcissist doesn’t realize those flying monkeys would ditch them in a skinny minute and turn against them.
Flying monkeys are unaware people…like weeds in the wind…they will bend to whichever side is desired.
Remember if they bend with you…they will just as easily bend against you.
But a Narcissist will take what they get for a fleeting moment to be in the spotlight to undermine another.
Remember…what goes around comes around…so don’t feel so superior or elated with the support of your flying monkeys…they would ditch you like a hot stinky brick if the wind changes.