Narcissists are chained to their baggage…don’t take on any of it as your own…it’s awful baggage…they lead an awful life.
They cheat because they are cheaters…
They lie because they are liars…
YOU are none of these things.
They ALWAYS end up being lied and cheated on…because they are cheaters and liars.
THAT’S called karma…
You get what you give.
YOU are none of those things…don’t carry that karma for them…it’s not your responsibility.
Although for those of us who have already experienced one…or two or three…you already have had a lot of their baggage dumped onto your lap.
You can choose to not take ownership of it.
Say it OUT LOUD…
Everyone has negative qualities…you are not exempt from being human…
But you have to watch out for patterns of behavior…
Patterns matter…
Anyone can be an arsehole once in a while…doesn’t make you bad or a Narcissist…that makes you human.
They are stuck in a loop of poop…
They repeat the same behaviors over and over…even if you bring it to their attention…
They don’t want to behave differently…
They almost NEVER apologize and if they do…be weary…they want something from you.
Only you will be able to tell.
You will come across many…if you already know that you attract their kind…
Learn to identify the red flags…
They have many and they show up pretty quickly…
DO NOT ignore red flags…they are called red flags for a reason.
They are attracted to you because you are amazing…and because you are open and vulnerable…
Maybe too open and vulnerable…
Curb your enthusiasm…
They are not ANY of those things…and if you set up proper boundaries they leave…they don’t appreciate boundaries…it makes their work difficult…and they are LAZY…they want results without effort…thats why they manipulate…it’s easier than making a real effort in a relationship.
You will find yourself addressing the same bad behaviors over and over…no comprende…lights on but no ones home!
Plus they don’t really care about what you feel…they ONLY care about how you make them feel.
They seem so wonderful when you first interact…because they are observing you and mimicking you…
We love it when people are ‘just like us’…it creates a bond.
You have fallen in love with yourself because they mirror you.
They are just mimicking you…so that doesn’t last.
Even the best fakers or should I say fuckers…cannot fake for long.
Narcissism is an embedded character trait in them…you cannot de-narcissist them…that’s like de-worming🤮🤢…impossible!
Don’t try…it’s not your job.
Your job is YOU!
Save yourself as soon as you see a red flag…
Google the red flags…
They are text book offenders…
It’s a permanent character trait…and repetitive.
They targeted you because they wanted something you have…your amazingness!
Even narcissists don’t want to be associated with Losers…and neither do you!
So drop them!
If THEY could see all that amazingness in you…YOU already are amazing…
Learn to recognize your amazingness in yourself…and learn to fall in love with yourself…by yourself…
Be your amazing self…
No one can take that away from you!