You know there always has to be one or two or three of these ANYWHERE you go…
I am grateful to live in the US of A…and don’t take it for granted.
Having lived and traveled to many other parts of the world I have a true comparison of what life really is like outside this here United States.
So being here ONLY 30 years of my life…makes a BIG  difference in my foundational culture.
The ‘entitled’ and ‘arrogant’ culture takes a few generations to ferment through and basic personality types also do matter…a lot.
In general you are less likely to find a first generation Mexican, Colombian, African, Indian etc etc like myself behave in such an entitled manner.
Plus we don’t want to make an embarrassing impression of the Country we ‘chose’ as our own.
Our sense of gratitude is still very much present and alive.
I remember when I lived in Egypt…much before I had moved to the US we would recognize Americans by their loud obnoxious arrogant pushy behaviors…like they owned the place…in someone else’s country!
So on one of the ferry rides in Greece…this couple and their 2 traveling minions had oversized bags that they had hauled on board despite being instructed by the tour director that they should leave them in the appropriate baggage hold.
So I sit in my seat…and mind you this is a spacious ferry boat…more comfortable and spacious than any aircraft.
I reclined my seat to sleep…it’s just a few inches for lower back comfort.
Mr. Clown sitting behind me says…can you put your seat up.
Since we were still settling in…I did.
The tour director tells us again we could put our bags to the side or back of our seating area for comfort of all.
Mr.Clown doesn’t…
I waited for a bit and then  suggested to them what our tour director asked us to do…so I could recline my seat for comfort.
Mr.Clown loudly said…I DON’T WANT TO!
And he’s still sitting with his oversized bag on his lap…unnecessarily.
So I reclined my seat to my ‘entitled’ position…because I paid for my seat just as they did…and I am entitled to MY comfort.
I TOO DIDN’T WANT TO…be uncomfortable so that his obnoxious entitled self can do as he pleases.
Mrs. Clown then says…he can barely sit…move your seat.
I said…the tour director told us where we can place our oversized luggage.
He then says…YOU MOVE to another seat!
🤔Array wah!!!!!!!!
Kya baat…entitled badtameez!
I said…I’m not the one with an oversized bag…I’m not trying to be difficult…I just want to sit comfortably in MY own seat.
He sits there for a while…playing chicken with me…then gets up and goes away.
When we reached our destination hotel…
Guess who were the ONLY  one’s that didn’t have a room ready…
Yup…Mr. and Mrs. Clown🤡🤡
There is a God😉😇
On the next ferry ride Mrs. Clown happens to be assigned a seat in front of me.
Mrs. Clown stands there childishly clapping her hands looking like a full grown fool loudly singing…sweet revenge…sweet revenge 👏 👏👏
She thought she would recline her seat to ‘bother’ me.
After she sat her arse down she realized…and says it out loud…oh…the seats on this ferry don’t even recline!
There is a God 😉😇
Even if it did recline…I’m tiny with no oversized luggage sitting on my lap…so it wouldn’t have even mattered to me.
She had to swallow her ‘sweet revenge’.
The next day Mr.Clown had the shits…
Guess who had charcoal pills to help with the shits…
Yup me🙋‍♀️
I offered it to him…she grabs it from me like a chimpanzee🐒 and scurries off.
Yup…I know…faux pas on my part…trying to help out an arsehole…literally😜…but that’s how I operate…and I’m OK with it.
Mrs. Clown is either a teacher or a lawyer by profession…I don’t remember which.
Now…you cannot be a ‘successful’ teacher while also being an arsehole…but you can surely can be a lawyer while being an arsehole.
So here’s 🤞hoping for the best for our nations children.
It takes a lot to entice my ‘ugly’.
Plus I don’t like to mess with my Dharma(moral code) by involving myself with someone else’s ‘ugly’.
Her husband has some sort of physical age related ailment…not sure what it is.
In fact a huge % of these type of tour groups are 50 plus age group so we ALL come with some sort of standard handicap…physically or in some cases mentally 😉
They were traveling with another minion couple…I interacted a wee bit with Mrs. Minion and she seemed pleasant…her husband Mr. Minion also had some physical ailment and was much like Mrs. Clown in personality…an entitled belligerent arsehole!
It’s the company you keep…is a true statement!
Sometimes arseholes find strength in numbers for moral support…
Kindness also finds strength in numbers…
I didn’t create her foul personality…she’s came fully cocked and loaded with it…ready to go!
So I didn’t take it personally…
Plus I saw how she treated others as well…
The local people…like
The ferry attendants…
The tour director…
She was mostly ONLY decent to the other ‘white’ folk…a behavior very typical of her kind.
She talked to our tour director as if she was her servant.
She wanted the tour director to drop everything she was doing to tend to her tantrums.
And huffed and puffed like a little child most of the trip…and was so rude, arrogant and obnoxious to that tour director.
Herding 22 three legged cats was no joke for this tour director.
This was Mrs. Clown’s face to me…and in general the entire trip😤🥴😖😵‍💫😠
Who gives a shit!
I detest these kind of entitled arrogant people…but its always entertaining to watch them set up their own karma.

They were on the same flight as me back to Philadelphia and she sent Mrs. Minion to find out my seat number.
I guess she wasn’t done trying to get her ‘sweet revenge’.
I didn’t tell her my seat number.
Underestimating ‘brown’ folk😜🤭…she assumes I’m as stupid as she is.
Racism Bullyingism Narcissim Arseholism…ALL comes from the same place…a false sense of superiority that you live in inside your own head or has been supported by your peers…
WE can see how you are behaving but you may not necessarily see your own behavior…some do.
WE can see it because WE are the recipient of such behavior.
And YOU will continue to behave in this way until YOU become the recipient of that same behavior…
A degree, a fancy car or house, a fantastic career or a silver spoon stuck up your arse does not a decent human make…
Awareness of your own bullshitism does!
Treating people in the same way you expect to be treated does!

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