By definition…
Emotional Bankruptcy shows up as a person who does not know how to or is not able to express, process, share, show, accept, vocalize and/or deal with their emotions.
Humans cannot thrive in an emotional void.
We share our emotions with each other…that’s what is at the foundation of all relationships.
Sharing emotions.
Emotionally abusive people are emotionally bankrupt people who will siphon good emotions out of you for their existence.
They want what you have.
By the time they are done with you…they leave you emotionally bankrupt…and they go on to siphon another target.
The term…you can’t get blood out of a turnip is the perfect description of an emotionally bankrupt person.
You can’t give what you don’t have.
By the time you have realized that they are draining you emotionally it is usually too late.
They are a bottomless pit… because they are empty.
They emotionally drain you of time, energy, love, respect, kindness…they drain you by abusing your goodness…like thieves in the night…they rob you of everything that you are…everything that you have…because they are empty and have nothing.
They take all the love and goodness from you and project all their crap onto you…they replaced it with disgust, fear, resentment, mistrust and envy…by using you as a waste receptacle of their garbage.
That’s what they have to share…they share what they have.
They leave you tired and drained…they are also called energy vampires for the same reason.
Now you are as bankrupt as they were when they started out…they have left you operating from an energy deficiency by draining you.
It’s like paying overdraft fees for over drawing on your own funds.
The good news is that we are
Magicians at refilling our own cups ourselves as soon the energy drainers leave.
Because that is what we do…just like they are drainers we are fillers.
But first we have to refill our own cup before giving to others.
Remember the garbage that they handed you is not yours…you can lay in down.
And this time make sure you don’t extend your overabundant funds to another emotionally bankrupt person.
You can’t afford another bankruptcy…it takes a toll on your emotional health.